We recently completed a branch transformation project for this same client in nearby East Greenwich, but their 9,500 sq. ft. West Warwick branch was a much older building. The project began with a plan just to renovate the platform area, but the client added several more departments in the building to be remodeled as the job progressed, including the offices of Marketing, the CEO, the CFO, an employee lounge and some other areas of the back office.

Three images, showing Before, During, and After the project. The branch stayed fully operational throughout the work, as we erected scaffolding to work on the ceiling and high walls.
The large stone teller line was demolished and replaced by two pods finished in a high-pressure laminate myrtle veneer that complemented the other millwork we put in the branch. There are now large flat screen displays on the wall behind each pod that are programmed digitally to show promotions for products and services offered by the bank. Each pod is fitted with a cash recycler that the staff says they learned easily to use, making their jobs much more efficient.

The new pods, with flat screen displays behind them. Hanging above is the new chandelier.
This branch is housed in a beautiful old stone building, which made the project more challenging. Cables could only be routed through specific walls, and we used five miles of Cat 6 Ethernet cable in total. We encountered some other surprises too, including an entire wall within another wall, complete with a fully glazed window.

We removed the teller line and replaced it with glass-fronted offices at one end of the branch.
We replaced the large chandelier that was hanging above the center of the platform area with a more updated version, and painted the ornate ceiling and walls in colors that properly accentuated the splendid architecture. We also restored the round windows above the entrance vestibule back to their original glazed state (they had since been sheetrocked over.

We made a hole in the plywood on the scaffold for the support chain on the chandelier, which can be seen in the above part of this mid-project photo.
We cleaned the stone floor in the platform area and added new carpet around the pods. We also created two casual seating areas with chairs, coffee tables and rugs. We fitted carpet in all the back offices and conference rooms, as well as furnished all areas. DIRTT glass walls were installed in many of the back offices.

A view showing the newly painted ceiling, pods, digital displays and seating area in the foreground.
There was also a considerable amount of material abatement required due to the building’s age, which meant construction had to be done in stages to allow for abatement and air testing.

The outdoor eating area will be a cool spot to spend lunchtimes once the spring is here.
The President of the bank had wanted an outdoor area where employees could eat, so we had to find a place where we could create that. We found an old garden bed off a rear entrance, so we reconfigured the entrance to be wheelchair accessible, removed bushes and laid paving stones, and added picnic tables. We also built a fence around the area for privacy.

We installed a drive-thru ITM as well as a through-the-wall ITM and a walk-up ITM.
We installed new drive-up ITMs at the drive-thru, eliminating the need for tubes, which meant widening one of the drive-thru islands to accommodate it. There was a challenge with the existing through-the-wall ATM in that it was sunken below grade so it had to be lifted out, then replaced by a new ITM that was properly positioned. The ITMs were also wrapped in the bank’s signature branding.

We rebuilt the front entryway to the branch in a beautiful wood finish that matches the rest of the interior millwork.
This project presented various challenges but the client was very happy with the results. We kept a classic legacy branch true to its original appearance while introducing technology and finishes that will serve its clientele for years to come.

A closer view of one of the teller pods in the branch.