Field Manager: Mike Bova

Category: News • February 25, 2025

Tasked with appointing dedicated site supervision to each of our construction projects, and overseeing the progress and security at each site, a Solidus Field Manager is expected to have comprehensive knowledge of all of our projects, including scope, permitting requirements, and timelines. This is not an easy job, but with his vast experience and resilient nature, Mike Bova has proven himself to be the right person for the job. As he would say, “When the going gets tough, the tough come up with a new game plan.

Part of that planning includes finding new talent. When recruiting new field superintendents, Mike looks for candidates who can describe their experience without relying on their resume. This helps him determine how well they will communicate with our clients. Because we assign designated field supervisors to all of our construction projects, they often become the familiar face of our organization, a position that carries great responsibility. We rely on Mike to identify construction professionals who can rise to this occasion and represent the Solidus brand with poise and competence.

Mike often jokes that the best thing about a stressful day is it usually goes by quickly. Amen to that! Whether he’s driving to Berne, Indiana to welcome a new field super and assess their site needs, or taking the time to review and evaluate the accuracy of a set of construction drawings, Mike is the key to ensuring our projects run smoothly. We don’t know how he manages to keep so many balls in the air, but legend has it he travels thousands of miles, clocks-in hundreds of hours, and drinks gallons of coffee to get the job done.